Luke 10

Good frosty, foggy day (with hopes of warmer temps and sunshine!)

Read Luke 10

Today we get the famous parable of the good Samaritan, if you need something to think deeply about, sit with that passage for a while. However, where I want to point us is the beginning and end of this chapter.

When Jesus sends out the 70, he sends them to the places he himself is going to go later. Think about that for a bit, what if Jesus is sending you somewhere today, to have a conversation, to listen deeply, to serve graciously, to plant seeds of the good news of Jesus, because Jesus himself intends to show up later.

How might Jesus being calling you to prepare the way for his arrival in someone’s life who has never heard of him before? “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (Lk 10.2).

And at the end of the chapter we have the classic story of Mary and Martha, two sisters both intent on having a good visit with Jesus. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet while Martha is distracted by all her tasks. I wonder how often I am distracted by all the tasks I have to do that I miss a golden opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus in quality time with him. Do you ever wonder that?

Perhaps this is the slowest Advent/Christmas season you’ve experienced in some time with less school plays, activities, family gatherings, and other traditions that are enjoyable and keep you busy but might also distract you from focusing on Jesus.

How might you receive this Advent season as an extended invitation to sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary?

Peace and Joy,


P.S. Here are the next Bible Project videos in their series:

Luke 9-19 – part 3:

Read Scripture – Luke part 2: