Hello, and happy 1 week until Christmas!
Read Luke 18
There are so many great little sections in this chapter. If you want the technical term to throw around and sound all fancy sometime you could refer to them as pericopes (peh-ric-oh-pees). I count at least six of them—the parable of the persistent widow; the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector; Jesus and little children; the rich ruler; Jesus predicting his death; the healing near Jericho. You could sit with and reflect on any of them today and your soul would be richer for it.
Here’s one thing I notice and it’s the theme of mercy. Both in the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector as well as in the healing near Jericho, mercy is prominent. The tax collector’s prayer in the temple is “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Lk 18.13). And the man who is blind shouts out “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy of me!” (Lk 18.38). In both cases these people realized their need for mercy from God. One named it meekly in prayer, and the other boldly shouted it in front of a crowd. One Jesus claimed would lead from humility to exaltation, and the other led to healing and glorifying God.
In what ways do you need to ask God, or others, for mercy today? How do you think God sending Jesus to earth was an act of mercy? (I’m thinking of John 3.16 in light of this.) How does thinking about Christmas through the lens of mercy make it shine differently?
You’ll also notice that the end of this healing leads to glorifying and praising God (Lk 18.43). These are the words used when the shepherds return after meeting Jesus, “The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen” (Lk 2.20). If you want some extra credit, or a fun time, go back through the gospel and notice all the places that people are amazed, filled with awe/wonder, praise, and/or glorify God. Simply notice what causes the amazement/wonder, or the praise/glorifying. Also notice any other responses in these situations. What observations can you make from your list?
Grace and Peace,