Read Acts 17:1-15
Today’s passage takes us to Thessalonica and then Beroea where the pattern of Acts 13 and 14 just repeats itself of the word of God spreading, it creates a disturbance (especially among the Jews) and then they move on to the next city.
Paul preaches and teaches for 3 sabbaths in Thessalonica before the Jews become jealous of his success among them and the Greeks. It gets so bad a mob forms, the city is in an uproar and they are looking for anyone even closely associated with Paul. They happen to find Jason who had welcomed them as a guests, and so they drag him down to the authorities and level this charge, “These people who have been turning the world upside down have come here also, and Jason has entertained them as guests. They are all acting contrary to the decrees of the emperor, saying there is another king named Jesus” (17.6-7).
Paul, Silas and Timothy, are turning the world upside down, the status quo is not safe, as they proclaim a suffering Messiah who rose from the dead, just as the scriptures talked about. In what ways does the message of the gospel still turn our world upside down? How has it turned your life upside down compared to those who don’t follow Jesus? How do you live differently? Can people tell the gospel has turned your life upside down?
We also see in this passage that the Jews in Beroea examine the scriptures every day to see if what Paul and Silas are saying is true (7.11). How does reading scripture shape and form your life? How important is it for the things that God is doing in the world to be confirmed in scripture? What does your discernment process look like when there aren’t 1-1 parallels? How does Scripture help you follow Jesus?
Grace and Peace,