Acts 22:30-23:35 – Keep up your Courage


Read Acts 22:30-23:35

Today’s passage gives us Paul on trial before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council.

Paul’s trial before the Sanhedrin gets off to a great start (sarcasm). He opens with his clear conscience before God, only to be struck, and then he calls the council a white-washed wall. Instead of continuing down this road, Paul shifts the focus from him, to a theological issue that divided the council, resurrection.

Things get heated in the council and Paul is taken to the prison for overnight accommodations and we get this beautiful statement, “That night the Lord stood near him and said, ‘Keep up your courage! For just as you have testified for me in Jerusalem, so you must bear witness also in Rome.’” (23.11).

Paul’s nephew hears about a plot to kill Paul, and alerts the authorities and so Paul is taken away only to go on trial before the Roman governor.

When have you felt the Lord’s presence near you in a difficult time? Joyful time? What would it be like to feel God’s presence beside you today with a message of hope and encouragement? Take some time in prayer today and picture Jesus standing/sitting beside you telling you, “Keep up your courage!” Have a conversation with God about what that courage or hope looks like in your life right now.

Grace and Peace,
