Acts 16:16-40 – In Philippi

Hello Again,

Read Acts 16:16-40

This passage takes us into the heart of the church at Philippi’s origins and how the gospel of Jesus cannot be kept under wraps.

As we engage this story, just think about how when Paul writes to the Philippians it is his happiest, joy filled letter. And yet, the church begins like this (beginning with Lydia and her household in 16:13-15). How does a church that starts with this kind of eclectic makeup become such a place of hope and joy for Paul even while he is in prison writing back to them?

Today we also get some of the first we passages in Acts as Luke joined the journey back in 16:10, only to apparently stay in Philippi at the end of our passage. Paul and Silas and others are just going to the place of prayer like normal when they are confronted by a girl with some form of spiritual powers. Paul gets annoyed by her and orders the spirit out of her. This sets off the girl’s owners who realize they will not be able to make money anymore and so they have Paul and Silas arrested for causing a disturbance in the city.

Just like we have seen with Peter and John earlier in Acts there is another divine intervention for Paul and Silas while they are in prison, praying and singing hymns to God. But because they don’t take the chance to escape and save the jailer’s life, the jailer and his entire family come to faith in Jesus. Paul then makes the magistrates come and apologize for arresting and beating Roman citizens without a trial. Perhaps this is to show Paul’s “healthy” sense of ego, or perhaps to make sure the church is not seen as the scapegoat for issues in the community when he leaves (which is what Nero tried to do in Rome blaming the fire in 64 AD on Christians so he could punish them).

In what ways do you find comfort in worship and prayer when difficulties come your way? Is it always the case that you find comfort in these things in difficulties, or are there times when it’s too hard to pray or worship God? What brings you back to God in those situations?

Grace and Peace,
