Read Luke 12
The part of Luke 12 I really want to draw our attention to is verses 35-48 and Jesus’ teaching about watchful, faithful, or unfaithful slaves. As much as we can prepare for Advent and Christmas, and for the second coming of Jesus, I am reminded in these passages that Jesus still comes when we least expect it. We can make all the preparations we want, but that doesn’t mean God’s timing and our timing will line up.
This is what happened with our firstborn. In my mind, as a Pastor, I wanted Megan to go into labor sometime after church on Sunday or Monday. What time did Megan’s water break…5:15am on a Sunday morning. We were prepared for the birth of Natelie, we had a hospital bag ready to go in the car, but the timing wasn’t what we were hoping or expecting.
In the same way, in this passage Jesus wants us to be prepared no matter the timing. Yes, we know that Christmas comes on December 25, but when it comes to the second coming or even the Holy Spirit showing up in our lives we can only be prepared and responsive. We cannot control the when.
How is this Advent season preparing you for the Advent season we all find ourselves in waiting for the Son of Man’s return? How are you preparing even though you don’t know the when? Is your “hospital bag” packed?
Love and Joy,