Luke 21


Read Luke 21

Today Jesus continues his teaching in the temple as he focuses on signs of the times, of destruction of the temple and Jerusalem, and his coming again. Although there is this call to watch and be alert at the end of the chapter, which is where our theme has often taken us, I want to point out a few other things.

The Christmas season is a season of giving, which is why the first four verses of this chapter stick out to me. The poor widow gives her two small copper coins and Jesus claims she has given more than the rest of the rich people around her. She gives out of her poverty, while others out of abundance. I am challenged by this as one who lives with plenty of abundance, both financially and through the systems of support around me. I wonder how Jesus would look at my spending and giving habits through this lens. I don’t think Jesus is upset about the rich giving from their abundance, but perhaps in this season of giving we might want to look at how we are giving, and the mindset from which we give.

Second, as we have focused heavily on preparation through these Advent devotions, I wonder how many of you were taken back by Jesus’ words in Luke 21.14-15. “So make up your minds not to prepare your defense in advance; for I will give you words and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or contradict.” This to me, goes back to our conversation a few days ago that we can be prepared all we want, but God acts in God’s own way, in God’s own time. The question I am left with from these verses is, am I open to what the Spirit has for me in situations where I am unprepared?

What about you? Do you trust God to provide even in the midst of uncertainty, chaos, trials, persecution, and struggles? What does it look like for you to give up having the control of the “right” answers and trust God?

Grace and Peace,
