Read Luke 9
There are a lot of great things happening in this chapter, Herod’s curiosity about Jesus, feeding the 5,000, Jesus’ prediction about his death and resurrection, the transfiguration, and Jesus turning his face to Jerusalem. But there are two things I want to focus us on today.
First, after Jesus has fed the 5,000 and is off alone with the disciples again (have you noticed how often Jesus retreats by himself or with his disciples?) he asks them what people are saying about him? After hearing the answers, John the Baptist, Elijah, a prophet…, Jesus points the question to them, “But who do you say that I am?” (Lk 9.20). And that’s the question for you, who do you say Jesus is? How would you answer that question? And why do you respond the way you do, what does that mean to you?
Faith in Jesus is important. It’s good to know what others think about Jesus, but in the end we also have to be able to name what our relationship with Jesus looks like. Jesus wants to know what we think about him, what we say about him.
Second, as Jesus “sets his face to go to Jerusalem,” he sends messengers ahead of him to prepare the way, to make things ready (Lk 9.51-52). Even when Jesus walked this earth people needed to prepare to meet him. That’s the importance of the Advent and Lent seasons in the church because they prepare us for Christmas and Easter. Like in the Bible, not everyone makes ready, nor does everyone choose to receive Jesus when he comes. What’s one specific thing you can do today to make yourself ready to meet Jesus again this Christmas?
As always, if there’s anything that stands out to you, point it out. How is the Spirit stirring your heart through the reading today?
Grace and Peace,