Sewing in Tears, Reaping in Joy

Psalm 126 is our final psalm of the week. It is one of the psalms of ascent, found in Psalms 120-134. Psalm 126 reminds us of God’s restoration in the past and hope for restoration in the future.

The first half of Psalm 126 references some past time when God restored the fortunes of Israel. Perhaps, it is particularly referencing Israel’s restoration after Babylonian exile and captivity, but we can’t be sure.

As we read Psalm 126, we are reminded of God’s love and faithfulness. This is a helpful tool in our toolbelt during times of crisis and despair. Retelling the stories, reminding ourselves of the things God has done for us and for our ancestors in the faith gives us courage for today. What stories can you tell of God’s faithfulness?

The second half of Psalm 126 names the reality that the people seem to find themselves in need of restoration…again. It is a plea to God to act like he has in the past; to deliver his people from whatever difficulties they are experiencing this time.

These people are in grief, and yet they hold onto the promise of God that God is faithfully at work behind the scenes. I’m reminded of our farmers this past year perhaps sewing in tears, or at least lots of anxiety and uncertainty, yet trusting God as they planted their fields. Turning around in the fall reaping with shouts of joy for the harvest they didn’t think would even happen.

May we also trust that God will take the seeds that we sow now in our fear, in our anxiety, in our tears and empower them to grow and flourish. So that we too, can reap with shouts of joy in gratitude for the gracious gifts of God in our life later.

For our hymn today I offer the lyrics of  “Come, come, you saints.”

Come, come, you saints, no toil nor labor fear, but with joy wend your way.

Though hard to you the journey may appear, grace shall be as your day.

We have a living Lord to guide, and we can trust him to provide.

Do this, and joy your hearts will swell: All is well! All is well!


The world of care is with us every day; let it not this obscure:

Here we can serve the Master on the way, and in him be secure.

Gird up your loins, fresh courage take, our God will never us forsake.

And so our song no fear can quell: All is well! All is well!


We’ll find the rest which God for us prepared, when at last he will call.

Where none will come to hurt or make afraid, he will reign over all.

We will make the air with music ring, shout praise to God our Lord and King.

Oh, how we’ll make the chorus swell: All is well! All is well!


Grace and Peace to you, Amen.